doTERRA oils
Buy doTERRA oils

How to buy doTERRA oils at the best price possible

doTERRA oils can be purchased in three ways, as a retail customer, as a wholesale customer or as a Wellness Advocate

However, there are additional benefits of becoming a wholesale customer and wellness advocate if you choice so. Scroll down for more information about your choices.


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Here are the three ways to buy doTERRA oils

As a Retail Customer

doTERRA retail customer
Starting with the retail customer, it is a simple process, just go to the doTERRA webshop, find what you want, and purchase the products at retail. There is no deals, no money off, just a straight transaction and you receive your products within a few day.

As a Wholesale Customer

doTERRA wholesale customer
The second method is for the people interested being a doTERRA Wholesale Customer. As a Wholesale Customer you receive wholesale price 25% below the retail price for a one-time fee of $35. You also get the option to receive 10-30% of your total purchase back in FREE product points and eligible to receive doTERRA's FREE Product of the Month.

As a Wellness Advocate

doTERRA wellness advocate
The third option and the best value for money is the doTERRA Wellness Advocate. As a Wellness Advocate you are entitled 25% off all doTERRA products, a free website so you too can share products, build your business and earn commissions for an annual fee $35 membership. This option has also has LRP (loyalty bonus), product of the month and no monthly fee. If you want to make some extra money the doTERRA Wellness Advocate option is the best option for you.