Lifestyle change diets

How to get rid of love handles men, using foods that boost metabolism

The key to weight loss for men is knowing the foods that increase metabolism and burn fat.

It was so difficult until I came across on my opinion one of the best lifestyle change diets around at the moment and that is keto.

Using Keto to reduce belly fat

The keto diet for reducing belly fat is a very low carb, high fat diet. The carb level is extremely low at about 20g daily. However, it does make is so much easier to find other foods to eat. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Once our bodies goes into ketosis it starts to burn fat rather than carbs and sugars. This makes the keto diet one of the fastest way to get rid of love handles.

For more details about the keto diet and to download a FREE keto recipe book, add your name and email address below.